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Sending emails via ExpoFP

How to send emails via ExpoFP for notifications and Portal access.

Kristina Belenova avatar
Written by Kristina Belenova
Updated this week

Sending emails via ExpoFP will notify your exhibitors about their reservations and pending payments and give them access to their Exhibitor Portals.

Sample exhibitor reservation confirmation email

Setting up email templates

Go to Settings  - Email templatesWe provide templates for reservation confirmation, invoices, payment confirmation and auto-login emails.

With all emails, you can

  • Change the subject and the body of the email

  • Use multiple variables: #ContactName#, #CompanyName#, #AutoLoginLink#, #Balance#, #Booth#, #BoothType#, #BoothSize# and #BoothCost#

  • Attach custom PDFs, for example, payment instructions or contracts

  • Include your email in the CC/BCC field to receive copies of all emails

Process for setting up email templates

Reservation confirmation email

This email is configured to be sent by default after the reservation. However, it’s possible to change it in Settings  - Reservation. The email includes the auto-login link for exhibitors to edit their profiles by default.

Invoice email

You can set the invoice email to be sent by default after the reservation through Settings - Reservation. But you can also send invoices individually through the Exhibitors page. The invoice email includes a Pay button by default, which you can remove if you don't collect payments online.

Process for sending invoice emails

Invoice payment confirmation email

After an invoice is paid, go to the specific exhibitor in Exhibitors  - Exhibitors list, scroll down to the "Invoices" section and select Send paid to email the invoice payment confirmation. This email includes a PDF of the invoice with a "PAID" stamp on it.

Process for sending confirmation emails

Auto-login to edit Exhibitor Profile email

The auto-login link to the Exhibitor Portal is included by default in the reservation confirmation email. If you want to send it individually instead (for example, when approving reservations first), you can go to the specific exhibitor's page in Exhibitors - Exhibitors list and click Email auto-login link. More details on the Exhibitor Portal are here.

Auto-login link

Mass mailing

Using our mass mailing feature, you can reach all your exhibitors at once.

First, set up a custom mail server. Then go to Exhibitors - Exhibitors list. Choose which exhibitors you want to mail by clicking the checkboxes next to their names or the checkbox at the top to select all. You can use filters to sort companies by category, tag, extras, etc. Next, click Email. 

Edit the subject and the message of the email. You can use different variables to include auto-login links, as well as information about the booths and remaining balance. Click Send.

Process for mass mailing

Mailing Log

With mass mailing, you can check the status of emails sent in Reports - Mailing Log. The status will be green if the email was sent. In case the exhibitor doesn't have an email in their profile, the status will be skipped.

Mailing log section of exhibitor details

Frequently asked questions

How can I add other email addresses to receive notifications?

Go to Settings  - Email templates and add the emails to CC or BCC.

Will I receive any notifications on my Dashboard?

No, all notifications are sent via email.

Can I set automatic email reminders to my exhibitors to complete their profiles or pay invoices?

At the moment, there is no option to schedule emails.

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