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Exhibitor Portal

Its features and how exhibitors can get access to it.

Kristina Belenova avatar
Written by Kristina Belenova
Updated over a month ago

Exhibitors can see and manage their reservations and profiles in their Exhibitor Portal.

Exhibitor Portal

The Exhibitor Portal is available with the Maps and Exhibitors or Maps, Exhibitors and Payments package.

Benefits of the Portal (and what exhibitors can do there)

Managing reservations

Exhibitors can reserve additional booths, sponsorships and booth extras, including our built-in sponsorship options: Logo in Header, Logo in Booth and Featured Listings.

Editing company profile

Exhibitors can fill out their company's information (description, address, etc.) and attach links to social media. They can also add marketing materials, images, videos and action buttons. Company profiles are more complete and accurate since they are filled out by the exhibitors. You will still have access to all the information and can edit it as necessary.

Note: you can restrict which fields exhibitors can access and upsell others with Listing Levels.

Online payments

Exhibitors can see, download and pay for their invoices. They can also see their payment history and the remaining balance in the "Payments" section.

Note: if you don't want to use our invoices and online payments, write to us and we will disable this section.

Sharing profiles

Exhibitors can see a preview of their profile and share it on social media.

Easy auto-login

Exhibitors can access their Exhibitor Portal via the auto-login link. It doesn't require creating an account or a password on our website.

Preview of a company's profile

Organizers can preview a company's profile on the floor plan. To do that, go to the Exhibitors tab, choose a company, and click the "Edit profile" button on the top right corner.

Exhibitor badges

Exhibitors can request exhibitor badges.

What exhibitors can't do in the Exhibitor Portal

Exhibitors can't regenerate their auto-login link. They also can't see any admin notes, tags that the organizer has assigned to them or the change history. They can't delete their reservations either; only the organizer controls that.

How exhibitors can get the auto-login link to Portal

With the reservation confirmation email

If you allow exhibitors to reserve or buy booths through the floor plan, exhibitors receive the auto-login link along with the reservation confirmation email by default. See more on ExpoFP emails.

From the exhibitor page

You can send this link to a particular company. Go to Exhibitors . Choose the necessary one, then click the "email auto-login link" icon.

Exhibitors section with "Exhibitors" in box and email icon in box with arrow pointing to it

Mass emailing

You can mass email the auto-login link to all exhibitors (or use filters on the Exhibitors  page to select certain ones) using the #AutoLoginLink# variable. You'll need to configure your mail server first.

Exhibitors section with "Exhibitors" and drop-down symbol in boxes and "Email" in box with arrow pointing to it

Sending links with the 3rd party service

You can export all the auto-login links on the Exhibitors  page. Select all exhibitors with the box at the top of the list and then click Export. The exported Excel file will contain all the information on the exhibitors, including auto-login links. Then, you can send them with a third party service for mass-mailing (e.g., GMass).

Exhibitors section with "Exhibitors" and drop-down symbol in boxes and "Export" in box with arrow pointing at it

How to add instructions for exhibitors

You can provide your exhibitors with specific instructions on how to fill out their profiles.

Exhibitor Portal with example instructions in box

To do that, go to Settings  - Exhibitor Portal. There you can also limit the company description to a certain number of characters as well as the number of categories the exhibitors can assign to themselves.

Procedure for changing Exhibitor Portal settings

How to disable the Exhibitor Portal

If you don't want to use our Portal, you can redirect exhibitors to your own website page. Go to Settings - Reservation, scroll down to "After reserve/buy complete" and insert the link into the field.

Procedure for disabling Exhibitor Portal

Frequently asked questions

Is it possible to restrict exhibitors from filling out certain fields of their profiles?

Your exhibitors can fill out all the fields within their profile. However, you can restrict which fields will be displayed in the front view with the help of listing levels. More details are here.

Can I restrict an exhibitor from changing their company's name?

It isn't possible to restrict an exhibitor from changing their company's name at the moment.

Can I hide the Extras section in the Portal?

If you don't want to use sponsorships and extras at all, you can go to your Dashboard , scroll down to "Package" and uncheck the Sponsorships & Booth Extras box. If you still want to use extras in your back end, you can disable the option for exhibitors to reserve such themselves.

Can I hide the Invoices/Payments section in the Portal?

Yes, go to your Dashboard , scroll down to "Package" and uncheck Invoicing. This will hide both invoices and payments. Please note that exhibitors with any invoice or payment data in their profiles will still see those sections.

The exhibitor description is too long; can I limit it?

You can restrict the number of characters exhibitors can use for their descriptions in Settings - Exhibitor Portal.

One of my exhibitors says their auto-login link isn't working. What can I do?

You can regenerate the link in the company's profile and resend it to the exhibitor.

Exhibitors section with "Exhibitors" in box and auto-login regenerate icon in box with arrow pointing to it
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