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How to promote your sponsors
How to promote your sponsors
Matt Diniz avatar
Written by Matt Diniz
Updated this week

You can highlight your sponsors on the floor plan with our in-built sponsorship options, such as Logo in header, Featured listings, and Logo in booth. This can boost their visibility by up to 551%.

These features are unlimited, and you can assign them separately or together to as many companies as you need. Logos in booth and in header have very little impact on the floor plan performance. They are included in "Maps and Exhibitors" and "Maps, Exhibitors and Payments" subscription packages.

Even if sponsors don't have booths, you can still show them with Featured listings and Logos in header.

How to assign sponsorship options

The Logo in header, Featured listings and Logo in booth are created by default. You can go to "Reservation - Extras" to edit them (rename, for example).

Once you've added your exhibitors, you can assign them these options. Go to “Exhibitors” and use a search field or filters to find your sponsors. 

Next, navigate to the "Sponsorships" section, click "+ Add extra" and select it from a drop-down menu. 

Assign in bulk

Use our Excel template to add sponsorship options in bulk. First, go to "Exhibitors," select and export your sponsors (more details here).

Open the Excel file and find the corresponding columns. Change "0" to "1" for respective companies and save the file.

Note that exhibitor IDs should not be changed. If you don't want to update information in other columns, you can delete them. See more details here.

Import the file back. Now, you can filter your sponsors on the Exhibitors page. 

To unassign options in bulk, change "1" to "0" in a similar way. 

Showing sponsors with no booths

You can display sponsors without booths in the exhibitor list. Go to "Settings - Floor plan" and scroll down to the "What companies to show" section. The box "Hide companies that have no booths" is checked by default. Select companies as exceptions and click "Save changes."

See our sales brochure for more information:

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