By default, exhibitors within a booth are displayed according to these rules:
Following the order in which they were assigned to this booth
If there are fewer than 5 exhibitors in the booth, all their names are shown
If there are more than 5, the number of exhibitors is displayed instead. You can see their names when clicking on the booth and in the exhibitor list.
How to control which exhibitors appear in a booth
To change the order of exhibitors shown go to Exhibitors - Exhibitors list and add the tag "order:1" to the exhibitor you want at the top. As necessary, follow this sequence using "order:2," "order:3," and so on.
If you have less than 5 exhibitors in the booth, but you only want some of them shown, use the tags "order:1," "order:2," and so on in a similar way. Exhibitors with tags will be displayed within the booth, along with the number for the rest.
If you have less than 5 exhibitors in the booth and you want all of them shown, apply the tags to all the exhibitors.
Please note that displaying many exhibitor names within the booth may affect the floor plan's performance. If you wish to show all the companies, we recommend splitting big booths into several ones. See other ways to optimize your floor plan here.
Using tags will only affect displaying exhibitor names within the booth. In the exhibitor list, companies will still be shown in alphabetical order. You can use Featured Listings to move them to the top of the list.