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Get instant statistics on how your floor plan is being used.

Kristina Belenova avatar
Written by Kristina Belenova
Updated over 2 months ago

You can use analytics to provide information on attendee behavior while using your floor plan. This can highlight how much the floor plan is being viewed, which areas attract the most attendees and what sponsorship options are particularly helping your exhibitors get noticed.

They can be found in Reports - Analytics.

What analytics are collected

  • Total views: number of times the floor plan was loaded

  • Total users: number of unique users

  • Total sessions: number of periods of activity on your site from individual users. Session is defined by Google Analytics as "a single period of user interaction with your app . . . which includes screen views, events, and e-commerce transactions." All such interactions received within 30 minutes of one another are grouped into the same session. One user can have multiple sessions (especially if the floor plan is used in a kiosk).

Switching between them will show new data. 

  • Top searches: what users searched for on the floor plan

  • Top routes: most popular routes with origins and destinations

  • Top exhibitors: Every time an exhibitor's name is found in search results or when a user clicks on a company name in the exhibitor list or booth with an exhibitor assigned to it, it's counted in this section.

  • Top booths: Every time a user clicks on an available booth, stage or other space, whether found in the search field or in the exhibitor list, it's counted in this section.

  • Top categories: Every time a user clicks on a category in the exhibitor profile or in the exhibitor list, it's counted in this section.

Clicking on Details expands the full list.

Report parameters

By default, data is shown for the past seven days. Clicking on this field allows you to change the timeframe.

Filtering by page allows you to see statistics on a particular exhibitor or a booth.

All the data displayed can be exported as a zipped folder containing CSV files.

Data collected by ExpoFP can be found in our privacy policy. Even more details about how your floor plan is being used can be found by integrating with Google Analytics.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will the data be collected if my floor plan is integrated?

Yes, the information is collected whether the map is embedded in a website, event app or used in kiosks.

Can I get information on users, most popular content, etc.?

We don't have more details than those displayed. You can integrate with Google Analytics to see more information.

See also:

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