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Advanced Designer tools

More advanced tools that the Designer has to offer.

Kristina Belenova avatar
Written by Kristina Belenova
Updated over a month ago

In this article, you will learn how to use advanced Designer  tools to create a floor plan. Alternatively, our team can professionally design your floor plan in 5–7 business days.

Adding a booth description

You can add a description for available booths in the "Booth reservation" section on your Dashboard . It will apply to all available booths. See more details about booth reservations here.

Booth reservation screen with "instructions on how to reserve a booth" in box with arrow pointing to it

The description, size, price and booth type will be displayed on the available booth in the floor plan like this:

Booth window with "description" in box adjacent to booth description window

Set individual booth descriptions on the Designer by clicking on the booth and then on Enter description.

Booth description pop up with "Enter description" in box and arrow pointing to it

Working with background shapes

How to group background shapes

Select the objects you would like to group and click the Group tool. To ungroup, use the Ungroup tool. (Shortcut: Ctrl + G)

Designer screen with booth group objects and ungroup objects icons in a box with an arrow pointing to it

How to draw irregular shapes

With the Polyline and Bézier curve tools, you can draw irregular shapes.

By clicking and dragging the black nodes on the Bézier shape, you add curves to the lines you want rounded. After making a polyline or Bézier curve shape, you can move around the yellow nodes to modify it.

Designer screen with map icons in box with arrow pointing to it

How to use the align tool

You can use the Align tool if you need two or more objects to align a certain way in relation to each other.

Designer screen with different aligning example and align tool options in box

How to move an object front/back

You can use this tool if you need to move one object so that it shows on top of another. Booths are always shown on top, so you aren't able to put any objects on top of booths.

Designer screen with purple circle behind shape with move element tool options in box with arrow pointing to it

Locking objects

Locked objects can't be moved on the floor plan. To use this option, click on the object and then click the Lock tool.

To unlock it, click the unlock tool or double-click the object.

Lock selected elements and unlock all icons

Working with icons

Add icons from the toolbar (or upload your own) and customize the color and size of each one. To make the icon stand out better, you can add a colorful background.

Designer screen with map icons in box with arrow pointing to it

You can also turn the icon into a clickable object using layers.

Working with object opacity

By default, the opacity is only shown in the Designer, so to adjust the opacity of objects in the front view, you can add two characters at the end of the hex code of the object's color based on the following table:

  • 100% opacity: 00

  • 90% opacity: 1A

  • 80% opacity: 33

  • 70% opacity: 4D

  • 60% opacity: 66

  • 50% opacity: 80

  • 40% opacity: 99

  • 30% opacity: B3

  • 20% opacity: CC

  • 10% opacity: E5

  • 0% opacity: FF

Adding a viewbox

A viewbox determines the area that will be shown once the floor plan loads.

To add a viewbox, create a rectangle on top of the area you would like to display and click on SET AS VIEWBOX.

Designer screen with “set as viewbox” and venue map in red boxes

Please note that the viewbox layer should be the first of the sublayers.

Click and hold the drag handle icon, then move the Viewbox sublayer to the top of the current layer.

Drawing wayfinding

Wayfinding helps to see where exhibitors, conference rooms, booths and restaurants are located on a plan and gives routing directions. See how to create it yourself here (or have our team create it for you).

Working with layers

Each layer in the Designer serves a specific role, and understanding their functions will help you create professional-looking floor plans. They can also help you create multi-level floor plans and multi-floor wayfinding. See more about layers here.

Booth statistics

You can see statistics on the number of your regular and irregular POIs, as well as a drop-down of available, on hold and reserved booths. Click on the Statistics tool on the toolbar at the top:

Statistics screen with statistics icon in box and arrow pointing to it

More details can be found in Booths  - Booth list and in Reports - Booth stats.

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