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Setting up your payment gateway
Setting up your payment gateway

Step-by-step instructions on how to set your payment gateways to receive money online

Kristina Belenova avatar
Written by Kristina Belenova
Updated over a week ago

You can collect payments from exhibitors for booths, sponsorships and extras online. The money goes directly to your account, and we don't collect any transaction fees.

We integrate with the following payment processors: PayPal, Authorize.NET, Stripe and Square. Depending on your preferences, you will find individual instructions on your backend. In this article we gathered them all together - just to give you a preview.

PayPal PayFlow Pro

You need to create a dedicated user to process PayPal PayFlow Pro payments.

First, Log In to

Navigate to Account Administration -> Add User

Add a new user.

Make sure that the User role is specified as API_FULL_TRANSACTIONS.

Insert the User credentials into the corresponding fields.

PayPal recommends that you create a secondary user in PayPal Manager for integration purposes, but if you want, you can use only Master account credentials. To do so insert Master account Credentials into the highlighted fields.

Don’t forget to hit the Test button to verify the flow.

PayPal pay button

To get the Client ID and Client Secret, go to and Log into Dashboard with your PayPal credentials.

Select My Apps & Credentials section and click on the Create App button.

Enter any name into the App Name field.

Click Create App to finish.

New App is created. You can find your Client ID and Client Secret in the Live section.

Review Live App settings.

Make sure Accept Payments box is enabled.


To obtain the API Login ID and Transaction Key:

1 Log into the Merchant Interface.

2 Click Account in the main toolbar.

3 Click Settings in the main left-side menu.

4 Click API Credentials & Keys.

5 Select New Transaction Key.

Note: When obtaining a new Transaction Key, you may choose to disable the old Transaction Key by clicking the box titled, Disable Old Transaction Key Immediately. You may want to do this if you suspect your previous Transaction Key is being used fraudulently.

6 Click Submit to continue.

7 Request and enter PIN for verification.

Your new Transaction Key is displayed.


To get the API key:

1.Login to your account

2. Click on the Create restricted key button.

3. Give your key any name and select the Write permission for Tokens, Charges and Disputes


Then click on the Create key button.

4. Your key is created. Reveal it and copy-paste to the corresponding field on ExpoFp website.

Login to your Stripe account and navigate to Developer -> Api keys.

Stripe Payment Intents

To get the API key:

1. Open API keys page by link or Login to your Stripe account and navigate to Developer -> API keys.

2. Click on the Create restricted key button.

3. Give your key any name and select the Write permission for PaymentIntents, PaymentMethods and SetupIntents.

Then click on the Create key button.

4. Your key is created. Reveal it and copy-paste to the corresponding field on ExpoFp website.


2 - Login

3 - Create an application (give it a name and click Save)

4 - Copy your Application ID and Access Token to corresponding fields at

5 - If you want to test your Square application, switch to Sandbox and copy-paste Application ID and Access Token to the corresponding fields at and click the Test button.

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