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Logo in Booth

How to add the option for exhibitors to place their logo in their booth on the floor plan.

Kristina Belenova avatar
Written by Kristina Belenova
Updated over 2 months ago

The Logo in Booth sponsorship option displays a company's logo directly on the floor plan, making it easier for attendees to find them. This feature enhances their visibility on average 267% compared to exhibitors without it. You can use it to generate extra revenue or highlight sponsors' areas at the show.

The logos displayed are automatically sourced from the exhibitors' respective profiles.

Working with Logo in Booth

You can edit, rename, set the price and limit for Logo in Booth. They can be sold or assigned manually. See more details here

How to rotate booth logos

You can adapt the logos to various booth shapes. Follow the criteria below:

1. The booth should not be rotated within the Designer, and its angle must be set to 0.

2. The booth's height must be at least twice the width, such as 5 x 10.

3. The image used for the logo needs to have a width-to-height ratio greater than or equal to 2. For example, an image of 500x200 can be rotated, while an image of 300x200 cannot be rotated.

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